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The aim of this study was to examine burnout in the relation between work-life balance and job satisfaction among women doctors of Punjab.Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to check the reliability and validity of the scales. SEM was applied to test the mediating effect of burnout between work- life balance and job satisfaction by taking the sample of 248 women doctors. Data collected from four groups of ages (25-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50 above) whereas, 30-49 age group respondents had in majority and most of them had experienced more than seven years. Results of SEM analysis showed that the effect of burnout on job satisfaction was negative but significant as b=-0.202, t = 2.40 (p<.05). The effect of work-life balance on the job-satisfaction was significant and positive as b=0.512, t = 6.25 (p<.01). In addition, the effect of work-life balance on the burnout was highly significant as (p<.01) and effect of burnout on the job-satisfaction was also highly significant (p<.05). Moreover, burnout partially mediates the relationship between work life balance and job satisfaction.

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