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India is a vast country and one of the biggest democratic countries. It has ranked second in population after china in the world. India has to face many problems due to increasing population day by day.  Poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, crime, increasing immigration etc. are main problems among of them. From the ancient time, especially in the British rule, India was looted in many ways. After Independence, there is a big problem in front of Independent Indian government to tackle these problems. That’s why, the government of the time, introduced five year plans to overcome these problems. India achieved a lot at some extent through these plans. The main focus was given on women empowerment, reducing poverty, increasing employment, strengthening economy, education, health, social security and protection in India. Indian government as well as state governments took many steps in this regard and introduced many social welfare schemes for the welfare of its citizens. Punjab government also focused on health, education, elderly people, employment, women education, women empowerment, social security through many policies and programmes.

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