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E-resources are increasingly important to all aspects of teaching and learning. This present study provides an overview of the perception of e-resources by the librarians of 23 Ayurvedic Medical Colleges of North Karnataka. A well-structured questionnaire was administered to the Librarians of 23 Ayurvedic Medical Colleges of North Karnataka to get required data. 23 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 23 questionnaires were returned with 100% response. This study investigates awareness regarding perception and use of e-resource in the library; their usage; satisfaction with the availability of e-resources & infrastructure facility provided in using e-resources; and need of training to increase the utilization of e-resources. Gives suggestions and recommendations for the improvement in the usage of e-resources. Concludes that the librarians are not much aware about the availability of the e-resources related to medical field and they feel the need of training in using these e-resources.

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