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 Internet of things has emerged rapidly as the area of interest of many researchers. Various home automation systems offer intelligent and comfortable life to the consumers. The Concept of Smart Mirror is one of the greatest innovations, which is introduced to improve the lifestyle of the people in the society. A Smart Mirror is a system that functions as a mirror with additional capability of displaying date, time, current temperature, weather details and notifications. Smart Mirror’s main functional component is Raspberry Pi, capable enough to perform computations. Smart Mirror is developed it on wooden Frame along with camera, LED display, camera along with audio-visual aids with gesture control. The Speech recognition system is used as platform for interaction with the mirror. Proposed mirror has its reflective properties along with interactive platform that makes it smart. Displaying multimedia data, user authentication, personalization are some of the key properties of this mirror. The system provides accessing multimedia data through inbuilt APIs along with real time security based on Face Recognition. In addition to this it also provides smart browsing capabilities to authorized user and task switching using gestures. Also the proposed work is focused on the design and development of smart mirror that represents an elegant interface to control various applications in mirror by gestures. The Smart Mirror offers a kind of safe, more convenient and information -based in the changing world.


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