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Banking sector will be the first sector to adopt the latest technology in the world, especially private sector banks are increasing the utilizing the technology to reach the customers swiftly and deliver the services efficiently. The present study made an attempt in this direction to know the technology role in banking sector. The study has considered the Indian top private sector banks (ICICI bank and HDFC Bank), which are allocating the large chunk of funding for the technology. The study has considered the 4G period six digital transactions and developed banking technology index. The study measured the relationship of digital transactions and banking technology index with the help of vector error correction model and the result reveals that the digital transactions are having the longrun relationship exists. The study examined the impact of digital transactions with the banking technology index and the result stated that the Mobile tractions are having the significant higher impact on the BTI. This paper is useful to the bankers, Fintech firms, regulators and researchers.

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