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This paper reviews how the so called ‘identity’ of an ethnic group formed or, is it an artifact of a conscious effort of some people or group? Second, why is it that conflict and contestations often inherent in the creation of an identity of groups? It is in this context that the paper aims at unearthing the complexities inherent in the formation of ethnic identity by looking into the process of ‘Bishnupriya identity’ formation. It argues ‘identity construction’ always takes place in a context of relationship, dialogue and exchanges with others, a situation which I call ‘dialogy’ which always encounter with contradiction resulting conflict and disagreement. The problem between Manipuris and Bishnupriyas appears to be quite simple and just revolves around nomenclature ‘Bishnupriya Manipuri’ which is entertained by the Bishnupriya while answering the basic and fundamental questions regarding one’s identity i.e. “who we are and where we’re coming from?’

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