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In the present investigation we are reporting the cost effective method for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using Neem leaf extract (Azadiracta Indica Linn.). In present study, leaf extract of Azadiracta Indica was used for reduction of silver nitrate into AgNPs, with phytochemicals from flower extract act as a reducing and stabilizing agent. In this research we successful to prepare the silver nanoparticles. Theses prepared AgNPS were characterized by various traditional methods for the characterization of silver nanoparticles such as XRD, UV and TEM. The XRD was used to confirm cubic, crystalline silver nanoparticles. The synthesized AgNPS were spherical and oval shaped with an about 30-50 nm sizes. Formation of brown colour in reaction mixture is a primary indication for AgNPs formation, and was confirmed by observing VU-visible spectroscopy peak at 465 nm. While TEM was utilized for investigation of crystal type of silver nanoparticles, from TEM images it was found that silver nanoparticles belongs to cubic crystal type. Synthesized AgNPs shows potential antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens.Azadiracta Indica leaf is the good resource for AgNPs synthesis and synthesized AgNPs are applicable as an antibacterial agent in therapeutics.

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