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Coumarins are naturally occurring heterocycles. Coumarin possess may Clinical as well as multiple biological activity like anti-inflammetry, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-helmenictichypotherase & vasodilatatory action. In presence research work involves synthesis of total seven coumarin derivatives is charactrised by TLC & four coumarin derivative charactrised by IR spectra. 7-hydroxy 4-methyl coumarin,  6-hydroxy4-methyl coumarin,  4-methyl 2Hbenzo(h) chromen-zone, 4-methyl 2H benzo(g) chromen-2-one is charactrised by IR spectra. Thes all above compound were prepared by substituted phenol & ethyacetoacetate in presence of conc. H2SO4 at low temperature.

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