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         Chemistry brought about medical revolution till about the middle of twentieth century in which drugs and antibiotics were discovered. The world’s food supply also increased enormously due to the discovery of hybrid varieties, improved methods of farming, better seeds, and use of insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers. The quality of life on earth became much better due to the discovery of dyes, plastics, cosmetics and other materials. Soon, the ill effects of chemistry also became pronounced, main among them being the pollution of land, water and atmosphere. This is caused mainly due to the effects of by- products of chemical industries, which are being discharged into the air, rivers/ oceans and the land. The use of toxic reactants and reagents also make the situation worse. The pollution reached such levels that different governments made laws to minimize it. This marked the beginning of Green Chemistry by the middle of 29th century. Green Chemistry is defined as environmentally benign chemistry. As on today, maximum pollution to the environment is caused by numerous chemical industries. Therefore, attempts have been made to design synthesis for manufacturing processes in such a way that the waste products are minimum, they have no effect on the environment and their disposal is convenient. For carrying out reactions it is necessary that the starting materials, solvents and catalysts should be carefully chosen.

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