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One of the most challenging issues facing organizations today is that of managing cultural diversity in the workplace be it at a national level, organizational level, occupational or individual level. Trompenaars (1993) observes that international managers must operate on premises that arise from their culture of origin, the culture in which they are working and the culture of the organization which employs them. Recognizing and valuing cultural diversity is imperative in order to enhance productivity, effectiveness, and sustained competitiveness. In today’s global environment, professionals working in multicultural international organizations or educational institutions, face several cultural glitches and challenges which can have bearing on the success or failures of the same. It has been found that cross-cultural skills have become important elements of modern job profiles. Yet multiculturalism in international as well as national in large and small educational institutions is a reality which is a necessity as well as a well equipped practice to ensure higher level of performance.

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