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In today‟s era of globalization not only the nations in the world and thereby their communities have come closer to one another but also most of the sectors have undergone significant changes. Needless to mention that even the marketing sector has undergone significant changes and further is experiencing continuous changes. With the significant use of Digital it is important to study its impact on marketing field. It is true that one of the prime factor for the growth of Digital Marketing is the worldwide increase in the use of Digital. Thus the new concept of Digital Marketing has immerged and is found to be dynamic in nature. Digital Marketing utilizes the power of electronic commerce which refers to any market on the Digital. Electronic commerce supports selling, buying and trading of products or services over the Digital. Hence Digital marketing forms a subset of electronic commerce. Digital marketing first began in 1990 with just text-based websites which offered product information. Now with the growth in the utilization of Digital it is observed that Digital Marketing is not just selling of products alone but in addition to this it also involves information about products, advertising space, software programs, auctions, stock trading and matchmaking.

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