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Employability of graduates has become an area of concern for developing countries due to continuous changing business environment. It is a key area of discussion for educational institutes, policy makers, and the society at large. With every passing year, higher education institutes are producing millions of unemployable graduates. But, it is time for the education institutes to work on converting millions of degree flaunting graduates into employable young men and women. Against this background, the current study aims at assessing the role of higher education in enhancing employability of students. The various factors of education system considered for the purpose of the study are components of education system, employability development opportunities, faculty role, university-industry linkages and reputation of the institute. The study aims to analyse the perception of students regarding role of educational institutes in enhancing employability. Data was collected from a sample of 47 PGDM students with the help of a self administered questionnaire. The current study results in the assessment of higher education system as a stimulator of employability readiness in students. The study highlights the various factors which majorly contribute towards the employability readiness of students. Indian higher education system needs dramatic revision in order to address the issue of unemployable youth in India. The study enlists various factors to be considered and emphasized during policy making and revamping the education system.

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