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In the outset of the twentieth century pioneering work in Indian fiction was done by two great authorities, Rabindranath Tagore in Bengali literature The standard they reached could not be surpassed by any other fiction writer several decades. The story being the most popular form of modern fiction drew their attention and within a limited period they held experiment after experiment and the short story as an art form reached its culmination within a few years. Tagore being mainly a poet found most suitable poetic symbols for revealing the truths of human life through some select characters; The stories of Tagore carry the weight o f his great personality.. The two writers were contemporary. Style, language, theme — in all sides they have created a new path. Both of them were the worshipers of humanism . Though Rabindranath belongs to different social setup yet both of them depicted social evils such as superstition, age-old beliefs, custom, tradition, ignorance etc. in their writings. Through the writing both of them declared a war against social evils. This social consciousness of Rabindranath attracts me very much.And I was interested to do the research work about them.

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