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From the time when man came into being man has been using certain basic techniques for survival with respect to health, hygiene, food, clothing, shelter, agriculture and allied activities. These traditional methods or techniques are called as Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ITK) of a community and present a wide range of information in various aspects of life. Over the last two decades a lot of information has been generated globally with respect to ITK in all walks of life. The current paper deals with traditional food and health practices during post-partum period – a critical women health issue. The study was undertaken in three blocks of the District using semi-structured interview schedule and Group Discussion. It details the ITK in pregnancy and lactation that are currently practiced by Pahari women, a tribal area in District Srinagar, the summer capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.  The study was conducted using semi-structured interview schedule and Group Discussion. The current paper details out the simple at-home herbal measures that are used by the tribal women folk to treat the discomforts of pregnancy, aid healing and bring about therapeutic effects to the body. The chapter highlights the age- old practice of the ceremonial bath taken after the baby is delivered. The water used for bathing is a decoction of herbal plants called “Losse Gasse” that are believed to have therapeutic properties. Living in times that are a digital era influenced strongly by the advances of science and technology, there was 100% reportage of practicing these ITK by the tribal Pahari women.

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