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The purpose of this article is to evaluate the potential role of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) as an organization in international relations. The key question is whether growing states, rapid economic growth, a desire for a multipolar international organization, and hostility to the leading US unipolar international organization are enough factors to make BRICS a unified and relevant global actor. It is clear that all BRICS members have their own national interests, and they recognize that BRICS is a useful idea for advancing those interests. Again, five BRICS countries make up a diverse mix of countries with different civilization and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, it is not easy to assume that BRICS will be an organization capable of transforming the international system as long as the BRICS members have different expectations for the future world order. In this respect the most important BRICS countries are China and India, which have conflicting interests and expectations about the future order of Asia and the entire world order.

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