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Indian English short story has not been able to achieve its distinct identity so far in spite of the flexibility of form and opportunities for publication. It has been treated casually by critics resulting in the overall neglect of the genre. It has developed as a byproduct of Indian English Fiction. This should not surprise us as long as short story and action are kindred branches of literature and are interrelated. Though India has its own rich tradition of narrative tales and fables right from the Vedic times and onwards. Indian fable and earliest Indian admired tale have helped the Indian short story author in English in molding their story a specific shape. The Indian short story writer in English has tried a synthesis of the salient features of both the fable and the tale while avoiding the over didacticism of the fable and the pure description of the popular tale in his attempt to arrive at a deeper and more analytical interpretation of life. Despite all of the enriching cultural changes that are occurring, India remains a foremost abode of storytelling. The mythological epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata, continue to endow with models of human behavior for many Indian people and contribute profoundly to their identities. These epics are the institutions of values, ethics, morality, honesty, fraternity, integrity, and humanity for the present generation. The most renowned and admired compilations of creature stories, the Jataka Tales, and the Panchatantra Stories originated in India have a greater impact on the mindset of Indian civilization. It is in these stories that many Indian people seem to come across and discover their Indianness. These stories have a rich historical background which reflects in the modern story form.

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