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  1. S. Eliot’s essay “Tradition and the Individual Talent” was published in the year 1919 in which his views on impersonality of the artist first appeared. The Impersonal theory propounded by T.S. Eliot is an attempt to break free from the subjective approach of historical, biographical, and sociological schools of criticism. Eliot while propounding impersonal theory of poetry does not come up with any original or new concept, but simply advocates objective poetry which also does not allow any entrance of the poet’s personality into poetry. He in the above essay tries to establish his point only by rejecting Wordsworth’s theory of poetry and in this very act does not carefully look into the mistakes that have crept into his own theory. Eliot is pre-determined and prejudiced; therefore, he just tries to achieve his end as soon as possible and does not even bother for the originality and validity of his ideas. The metaphysical poetry also influenced him and he feels that it was in the metaphysical poetry that one could find a ‘unification of sensibility’. John Keats’ concept of ‘Negative Capability’ also seems to be a strong source of Eliot’s impersonal theory of poetry. Furthermore, the impersonal theory of poetry is also opposed to psycho-analytical criticism. It may be concluded that Eliot has frequently borrowed from the earlier critics, but has presented them before the literary world in the garb of new words and phrases, namely, ‘dissociation of sensibility’, ‘unification of sensibility’, ‘objective correlative’, ‘tradition’, ‘individual talent’, etc.

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