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Present study investigates the farmers’ knowledge of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Interventions in agricultural sector. In this regard the opinion of farmers residing in Haryana State was taken in to consideration. Preliminary investigations lead to development of conceptual frame work of farmers’ knowledge. Farmers knowledge is primarily has three constructs i.e. i) Knowledge of Financial and Infrastructural Interventions (KFII); ii) Knowledge of Latest Interventions (KLI); iii) Knowledge of Core Agricultural Interventions (KCAI). Result of primary data analysis the indicate an average response of farmers surveyed towards upper end of the scale which means farmers are aware of ICT interventions and have basic knowledge level and they are not unaware of ICT interventions. At component level, farmers’ knowledge level ascertained highest with respect to latest interventions, followed by core agricultural interventions and lastly by financial and infrastructural interventions. A further analysis confirms that farmer’s knowledge level is influenced by their education, income and ICT experience levels and result in significantly different opinion in such groups. Whereas, age and farming experience noted as neutral factors resulting no influence on farmers’ knowledge regarding ICT interventions.

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