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Every human society is invariably characterised by social dif­ferentiations. Gender based differentiation is one. Men had the role of earning and women had the role of reproduction of heirs and home making. A historical understanding of status of women in early Indian society shows a declining trend in the position of women. The historical analysis of the position of women in ancient India shows that women did not share an equal position with men. Women were recognised only as wives and mothers. Their position was as subordinate to men. The Indian patriarchal society that dominates the social, political and economic life of people in the country has never encouraged its women in any field, except kitchen! Indian women are relatively disempowered and they enjoy lower status than that of men from times imme­morial. he root to the participation of women in politics can be traced back to 19th century reform movement. Social reform­ers thought that social change could be initiated by educating women and bringing progressive legislation. Social evils can be eradicated by raising consciousness and making people sensitive to injustice done to women. Historical data signified that women have many role in civilisation since ancient time and these roles are changing over the period. In a society, status of people can be assessed by importance of women in that culture. Many factors that rationalise the magnitude of India's ancient culture is the respectable place granted to women. Several research studies have demonstrated that women have raised their position and made a place in different sectors which has led to liberation and to live better life.

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