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Women constitute approximately 50% of the World’s population. But she does not have equal share at, nutrition, work place, property ownership and especially education. Women and girls trying to access education continue to face many barriers and challenges rising from pressure of early marriage and domestic responsibilities to discrimination in the job market leaving them even more vulnerable. The end of the Women’s Decade a considerable body of literature had built up documenting the unequal status of women in relation to men, but not much change could be seen in the overwhelming subordination of women throughout the world and India in particular. A need for providing a theoretical framework to the issue of women’s oppression, which was constructed differently in different cultural settings, led to a rethinking of the issue of gender inequality instead of accepting gender roles as natural and essential (Forbes, 1996). New issues emerged in feminist studies and new methods were developed to explore the links between social processes and spatial patterns. The researcher made an attempt Status of Women in India need for Sustainable Development

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