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The success of any organization very much depends on the satisfaction of its customers. So satisfaction of the customers and their retention is one of the major determinants for measuring the quality of products or services. As importance of quality is increasing in our life, customers like to have a relatively better quality of products or avail superior quality services. India is a highly populated country and its rapid population growth contributes to an increased travelling demands. Railways are one of the most popular modes of transport which is mostly used by the common people of India. This paper aims to find out the passengers’ perceptions about the service quality of rail transport system especially Southern division of Indian Railways. A modified SERVQUAL instrument including eight service qualities constructs. Assurance, reliability, tangibles, timeliness, responsiveness, empathy, information system, food and safety and security were used to measure the passengers’ perceptions about the service quality of railways. 200 respondents were selected and these respondents were frequent railway travelers on these routes. Results indicated that passengers who perceived that quality of services delivered to them are not satisfied.

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