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Industries are backbone of every economy. Hence industries must work smoothly without any grievances and disputes However it is observed that Industrial Disputes are common to most of the industrial organizations. Therefore Government of India enacted a Law to regulate and settle the industrial dispute. The law is Industrial Dispute Act, 1947. The Law attempts to harmonize the relationship between management and workers. This law also prescribed the procedure for settlement of industrial disputes and also established various authorities to implement the various provisions of the Act. To fasten this process Ministry of Labour and Employment (Government of India) launched an online portal “SAMADHAN” to raise the industrial dispute and resolve it. Initially this portal is launched only in five states on pilot basis. The success of this will expand its horizon. The portal requires some basic registration before raising any industrial disputes. However the portal will reduce time as well as cost of industrial dispute settlement. This is one of the important example of using technology to fasten the process of industrial disputes settlements.

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