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The contemporary English classrooms contain the Millennials, otherwise called the Generation Y or the Digital Natives. This age is commonly noted for its expanded use and understanding of communication, media, and advanced innovations. They place an importance on finding an imaginative outlet with high cooperative aptitudes and have an inclination for teamwork and quick criticism. Remembering these characteristics, the ELT instructors must receive new teaching methods that take into account the adapting needs of this age. Gamifying the English language instructional method is the most encouraging idea in such manner. Utilizing games in the classroom is anything but another wonder. There are many online applications that are utilized to improve the learning experience of the new millennium students. Inventive utilization of innovation in making games has acquired another point of view of gamification in learning. This gamification utilizes components of game plan in learning situations.This paper recommends new gamification systems for ELT classrooms.These methodologies enhance student commitment and inspiration towards language acquisition.

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