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Dacoity means an act of plundering by force with a group of people. The story of dacoity   is popular to all. Environment and dacoity are well connected in term of place, geographical area and region. Dacoity varies from region to region and time to time. Jungles, rivers and hilly areas were the main shelters of dacoits. .Tales of Robinhood is very famous to Europe. Dacoities   that were prevalent in eighteen century Europe were portrayed by Charles Macforlane  and Eric Hobswam.When the British took over India, a new hybrid form of judicial system was firmly established. Law that distinguished normal behaviours and criminal behaviours was directed to the state.  They introduced property rights and written documents . According to Ranjan chakrabarty, it dislocated old landed aristocracy and law courts incited the sense of terror among the poor.

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