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Every firm employs the use of capital to do its business. This capital employed may be consisting of equity (ownership contribution) and debt. Debt is any external funding which is repayable and has an associated cost. The cost may be direct such as interest payment or indirect such as agency cost. The  relationship  between capital  structure and  profitability based on stock  performance has  been a  growing  area of  management research. A comprehensive  review of literature  reveals that capital structure decisions  were often subject  to a large number of studies. The problems of corporate financial structures have been an important factor in contributing to the Financial Crisis and leading many corporations to bankruptcy. Therefore, there is a need to develop a model to assess the impact of leverage on profitability based on market price of firms in Indian context. Therefore, the objective is to study the impact of capital structure on profitability based on market price of select manufacturing companies (Cement sector) in India.

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