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Fiction is a genre which typically depicts the contemporary culture as well as creative consciousness of the particular era. Postmodern fiction embraces cultural consciousness along with prevailing philosophical and literary tendencies. Postmodern theorists indicate the existing postmodern phenomenon is cultural products along with an end result of late capitalism, and the traveling components of its are the improvement and bourgeois hegemony of mass culture. It's tradition unique; it grows from a certain tradition and evolves into new directions in some other countries of the planet. Yann Martel's Life of Pi comes with a fictional articulation of a postmodern identity as it shapes and it is formed by a narrative of Chaos. The primary argument of the write-up is analyzing Global and post-colonial concerns which are mirrored in the novels of Yann Martel. This particular article argues the interactions in between the philosophical foundations of Narrative discourse and chaos Theory associated with disorientation and confusion in Life of Pi.

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