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The present paper is focused on the Women workers in agriculture in which try to explore the social and economical status of women workers in study area. The study is based on quantitative method in which both Primary and secondary data collections are used. The study is based on empirical investigation conducted among selected women worker in agriculture of two backward districts like Nanded and Hingoli in Marathwada region. From each district 5 villages were selected form backwards area of the district .In each 10 villages, 25 women worker in agriculture were chosen for Interview scheduled purpose. Total 250 samples were selected in 10 villages spread over two district. With the help of receiving data from the respondent the study try to explore the actual economical and social status of the women worker in agriculture which help to conclude that the social and economical status of women workers in agriculture are very low which indicate the backwardness ,poorness and lack of empowerment among them.     

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