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Every creation of God is functioning and enchanting. The nature is full of bright and beautiful things. Nature the embodiment of the spirit of the creator God is admired, adored and worshipped by poet, aesthetics and sages since ages. The most unique creation of God is human beings, unique in the sense that it is man who has made the world so beautiful and lustrous. Man has converted forests into parks, gardens, orchards and cities and deserves all the praise for that. But in doing so man jumped head long towards environmental pollution and crisis of environment just to satisfy his needs. The increasing population along with growing poverty has further worsened the condition. Today man has misused a variety of skills, which he possesses and has ruined the natural environment without understanding the rebounding repercussions even on his own existence. So environmental education will help to improve the quality of life of people and will conserve environment. Environmental Education is also a part of adult education because it is needed by all citizens at all ages, to make their lives better, systematic and prosperous.

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