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Among a couple of reasons why women drop out from their jobs,sexism at workplace seems to be a visibly daunting factor. Prejudice towards women in powerful roles is widespread. Sexism is in evidence in unfair recruitment practices unequal pay and intimidating behaviour towards colleagues. Sexism and discrimination among co-workers is not an everyday occurrence but there is a greater chance among a larger store. Women have fought for their right to vote, have a voice and have equal rights as men. Researchers explore the factors that perpetuate gender inequality and the effects that such bias can have on women in the workplace and beyond. The main objective of the present paper is to provide a systematic overview on confronting and reducing sexism at workplace. This paper highlights on the reasons for sexism at workplace and thereby how to overcome the challenges faced in their own offices. Compared to research on reducing other forms of prejudice research on interventions to reduce sexism is rare.

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