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The following research paper has the main focus on the use of assessment for the improvement of the learning of students. Primary school mathematics is one of the main concerns that hinder all the stakeholders of education in India and particular Delhi.  We all are the witness of the deteriorating quality of the learning of primary school students. The most crucial reason behind this is the assessment procedures adopted by teachers if the assessment is not correct how we can expect the learning to be perfect. In this research paper, we will discuss what is an assessment? And then we are going to discuss the types of assessment and the procedure of carrying out the assessment tasks i.e. internal and external assessment. Then we are taking an example from class 4 to demonstrate that how the assessment should be done, the example is detailed and also tells about what are the main concerns while carrying out the process of assessment, it also tells us that how to integrate the assessment to the classroom process. The research paper further describes what is the importance of carrying out the assessment tasks, and how the assessment is to be carried out, another example of the smart chart has been taken to describe how any learning activity can also be an assessment activity, and at last, an important issue regarding the feedback is discussed.

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