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The modem world is plagued by social, economic, and environmental problems that are the result of human greed and a lack of love and compassion. These large-scale problems have camouflaged the essence of life among youths and have triggered in humankind a renewed search for harmony and peace, a search that is essentially a spiritual journey. This paper was to study the impact of spiritual orientation as a de stressor on the youths.A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect research data. A total of 230 questionnaireswere distributed among two groups- control and experimental and 200 valid responses were obtained. Research findings suggested thatthat spirituality really does have an impact on stress level. Practice of the course and inculcation in each and every sphere of life over a period of time eliminates stress enabling the practitioner to become more skilled at achieving the kind of mindfulness that leads to a sense of meaning in life, compassion, and transcendence.

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