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“Edible” refers to any substance that can be used as food, metabolized to give energy and build tissue. Fats and oils are recognized as essential nutrients in both human and animal diets. Edible oils are the oils which are used for cooking purposes and are suitable for intake in any other form for the body. All cooking oils are edible oils. The different consumers choose the different brands of a product class at discrete time points due to the changing of the tests, changing the purchasing decisions of consumers explaining the patterns of choice. However this switching behaviour resulted in the weaker intentions to repurchase the new brand. Markets in which first – time purchases are rare, advertising if it works at all affects brand shares by including, switching or retaining customers who otherwise might switch. This study aims to identify the brand switching among educated women in Dindigul district. In this paper, the brand switching of the edible oil is analysed using the set of questions which is asked to the educated women because they are the reasons for brand switching. From the resulting scenarios, the brand switching criteria has been discussed using the hypothesis testing process.

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