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It is believed that literature is the mirror of society. It is proved in the novels of R K Narayan. The present paper highlights the human relationships and issues in the novel The Guide. The relationship is not among family members rather among all humans is dealt in the novel. Man is born sinner is conveyed in the Paradise Lost, a great epic. Raju, the protagonist does many unlawful and illegal things in the novel. Such type of things and activities affect the life of Raju and his relations with his family members and friends. Raju is a loquacious person but he uses the skill in maneuvering the things. Other characters in the novel are presented in full detail for portraying the issues of human relationships. The relations are opposite in ideal state of life and practical life. Marco is an ideal person and not able to compromise in the practical life. That’s why he has to suffer and lose his wife. The novel is not only a portrayal of human relations rather a complete of human life in Indian context.

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