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Learning disability refers to a kind of disorder which are related with intrinsic factors like dysfunction of central nervous system, brain injury,
neurological damage etc. According to UNESCO Report 75 % of children cannot attend schools due to their learning disabilities in India.
Another significant report given by UNESCO is that three- fourth of the children with learning disabilities at the age group of 5 years as well as
one -fourth of the children between the age group of 5 to 19 years not eligible to go any educational institution.Self-esteem is an objective
evaluation rather than subjective of an individual of his or her own value. Self-esteem relates to belief about oneself e. g. I am loved, I am a
valuable person etc. Self-esteem refers to the self-image and ideal self, shame, pride, despair are the chief component of self-esteem.We cannot understand the definition of parents’ duty and responsibility until we become parents. 

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