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This paper talks about the challenges faced by the queer community, specifically in India, in acknowledging themselves as culturally “different”, in accepting it openly, and thereby in redefining the structure of society. Society is created and so is gender. India as a whole has a bunch of Identity issues, gender identity being one of them. The gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, intersex, queer (LGBTIQ) have always been a part of Indian culture and history. However, it was the colonial period’s demonizing it as an unspeakable offense which further strangulated Indian culture as well. It has taken a struggle of over 30 decades for the Queer people in India to acquire the epithet of “normal”. Several small groups, communities and Non-profit Organizations have struggled tenaciously for the constitutional and civil rights of the Queer community. Just as for other human beings, services like medicine and resource facilities for HIV, STI, and AIDS are mandatory for gay, lesbian and transgender people as well. The Mumbai based Humsafar Trust and the Delhi based Naz Foundation have been working since 1994 and 2000 respectively, fighting relentlessly for the right to life, equality and dignity of queer people and demanding a lawful acceptance of alternative sexualities.

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