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The Cooperatives, being values and principles based and member driven organizations haveshown their economic prowess and proved their social relevance in the global economy(ICA,2013; ILO, 2014). If cooperatives have survived the economic upheaval, acute marketcompetitions and technological disruption, it is mainly due to human capital and the steadfastmember allegiance leading to the lifelong trust capital. They have demonstrated theirexponential growth in terms of their number and membership, which is mainly attributed to theirmember centrality precept underlying their intellectual capital. Members being the intellectualdemocratic edifice of the cooperatives, are the scarcest resources and the revenue generatingassets driving the cooperatives’ economic growth (Lambert 1963, Sudha 2008). However, theyneed to adhere to “association concept” based on inclusive democratic tenets to harness thepotential ofparticipatory intellectual capital that leverage their competitive and comparativeadvantage.

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