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The standard economic wisdom can hold this trade and international economic associations are actually helpful for the development of a nation. Though a single nation might have a better efficiency of generation of all the commodities when compared with a different country, the distant relative productivities in creating various commodities will differ. Trade is actually depending on the distant relative comparative benefit as well as produces welfare in the two places. In this particular context Nepal and India economic associations have special relation. You will find historical, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, community and loved one’s links between individuals living in Nepal and India. Following Nepalese political system moved around republic to monarchy Nepal and India have much more or perhaps much less equivalent political system. Thus, the trade along with other associated associations between India and Nepal have the own significance of it. Economic associations and trade between these two countries around the world usually will go past the economic explanation greatly affected by the social ethical norms & values. Research & study show that both the places have relative price benefit in trading among themselves for a number of good reasons, that we are going to discussed in this paper.

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