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The purpose of the study was to examine the Effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming on various dimensions of Academic Self-Concept among Institutionalized Orphan students. The sample of the study consisted of 140 Orphan Students. The students were divided into two groups, the experimental group with (70) orphan students and the control group with (70) orphan students. To achieve the objectives of the study a training program based on NLP was designed with 80 training sessions. The researcher constructed and validated Neuro-Linguistic techniques according to the need of study. The measure of Academic Self-concept was applied and was prepared by researchers from the perspective of NLP on the experimental and control group as pre and post measure. After an appropriate statistical analysis, the results showed statistically significant differences in Academic Self-Concept between the experimental group and control group. In experimental group the gain in 3 out of 5 dimensions as well as total academic self concept was significant.

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