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Man as a human being entitled to equal in dignity and rights. These are none other than human Rights. All men are born free but everywhere they are in chains. Our first law-giver Manu said, where women are respected, the gods reside and feel happy and where they are not, all the efforts and work prove, useless. In our own time Gandhiji advocated equal rights for women. It was felt that human beings are born equal in dignity and rights. It was felt that there are certain, natural, inalienable and inherent rights of all the individuals and inalienable and inherent rights of all the individuals which have been translated into human rights by way of law creating processes of the societies- both at national and international level. It was only the natural law which implies the concept of equality and human dignity. Thus, the concept of human rights is based on justice, equality and human dignity and has a long history to crystallize in the form we find them today.

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