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The word organic product means using natural way, pesticide free, additive- free, chemical free, non chemical, natural. Organic farming protects soil, reduces pollution and results in healthy food -grains, fruits and vegetables etc. Organic products are made up from materials produced by organic agricultural. The objective of the present paper is to know about reasons for turning of consumers’ towards organic food products and the basic reasons behind use of such products in India. Consumers’ interest in organic food items is increasing in almost all the countries developed or developing because of health awareness among consumers. But the market share of such consumers is still insignificant as the share of organic food market is much smaller than the total food market. In Indian context, there is irregularity in the supply of organic products. Packaging for organic food products is not proper. Only a few farmers do organic farming. Cost issue is also important factor in purchasing the organic products. As the supply of organic food products is not sufficient, the prices of these products go high. The present study concludes that the consumers are turning towards organic food products because of their impact on consumers’ health and on sustainable development of agriculture. Moreover people are more preferring organic food products due to harmfulness of pesticides, fertilizers etc. in inorganic food products

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