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Field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India during August 2007 to April 2009 to study the residual effect of sulphur and silicon fertilization on yield attributes and yield of rice fallow blackgram in Cauvery delta zone. The treatment comprised each four levels of sulphur (S1-0 kg S ha-1 , S2-15 kg S ha-1 , S3-30 kg S ha-1  and S4-45 kg S ha-1 through Gypsum) and silicon (Si1- 0 kg Si ha-1, Si2-40 kg Si ha-1, Si3-80 kg Si ha-1  and Si4-120 kg Si ha-1 through lignite fly ash). The field experiments were laid out by adopting factorial randomized block design (FRBD) with three replications. Among the S levels tried, S at 45 kg ha-1(S4) recorded higher values for yield attributes and yield of blackgram. With respect of Si levels, Si at 120 kg ha-1 (Si4) produced the maximum yield attributes and yield. The interaction effect between sulphur and silicon was found to be significant, 45 kg S ha-1(S4) and 120 kg Si ha-1(Si4) recorded higher yield attributes and yield of blackgram. The same treatment combination showed its superiority over others. Therefore, combined application of 45 kg S with 120 kg Si ha-1 holds promise to boost the yield attributes and yield of rice fallow blackgram in Cauvery delta zone.

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