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Banking sector is a key factor in economic development in our country. In a developing country like India banking industry have a special role in economic development. In India there are lot of commercial banks Public sector Banks as well as private sector banks. These banks provided short –term loan for developing in industry trade and commerce. In India in july,1969 14  commercial bank have been nationalised and six other commercial banks have been also nationalised in 1980 . Out of these nationalised bank  ICICI and HDFC are play an important role to boost and promote the finance in economy and as  financial institution or  banking institution. ICICI Bank was established by the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), an Indian financial institution, as a wholly owned subsidiary in 1994. The parent company was formed in 1955 as a joint-venture of the World Bank, India's public-sector banks and public-sector insurance companies to provide project financing to Indian industry.

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