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Digital security for data networks is in childhood face while attackers on networks are becoming gradually more sophisticated. The necessary compulsion use of wireless networks provides more vulnerability. Network routing is key to operation system; once compromised, it can be difficult to recuperate. To ascertain this problem one has to interview the major stake holders. The present paper mainly focuses on judicial official’s opinion on cybercrime and its prevention; these samples are one of the prime stake holders. Around 50 respondents were interviewed from said category. The research revealed that when the responses were elicited for knowledge regarding computer crimes, a majority of the advocates had knowledge regarding cybercrimes like hacking (90.0%), computer viruses (96.0%) and child pornography (98.0%), but significantly less number of them had knowledge about DDoS attack (36.0%), Botnet (32.0%), and malvertising (10.0%). Further, chi-square tests revealed non-significant differences for Email Spoofing (58.0%), Spamming 40.0%) and Phishing (58.0%). As far as remedial issues are considered, majority of the advocates opined that strict laws have to be amended, preferred speedy trial for Cyber Crime, having new method of Dispute Resolution For Cybercrimes Prevention, preference for more savvy bench In India, existing laws to be strengthened (78.0%), use of security passwords (66.0%) and use of biometric passwords. Further study concluded by suggesting some of the remedial measures which can improve knowledge and awareness among advocates which indirectly help them to fight against cybercrimes.

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