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The present Dalit autobiographies belong to the literary and politicalculture emanated from this context. Dalit autobiographies translated so far into Englishand other languages have been written with the objective of achieving equality andfreedom from the caste system. Present paper focuses on existing discourses and counter discourses on the genre of autobiography, the context of the emergence of dalit autobiography and its distinctness from Western autobiography are discussed. It discussed in detail the purpose and politics of literature, the emergence of a new language of talking about caste as developed by the Brahminical elite and recorded the critique of anti-caste philosophers on Brahminical knowledge and power. Sharankumar Limbale‟s Akkarmashi, the Outcaste as a Window on Culture of Exclusion and Exploitation. Sharankumar Limbale experiences his segregation from his own people and society. Limbale tells his mother’s story in his autobiography as a very distressing one- it was all about sexual abuse by the upper class. Sharankumar is a son of Hanamant Limbale who exploited his mother and disowned him.

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