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Globalization is a buzz word of the technologically, culturally, economically and socially interconnected nations of the world. It though emerged as a concept of integrating the countries of the world and making the marginalized economically interdependent, it has not effectuated as predicted and expected. Today globalization marks the postmodern concepts and it paves the way for the developed nations to enrich themselves at a higher rate and the poor developing nations to fall down further. This conceptual integrating phenomenon gives birth to a new culture termed Entrepreneurial culture. Both globalization and entrepreneurial culture play a remarkable role in shaping the modern societies of world nations. The role of it in Indian social, political, economic and cultural realm is noteworthy and the writers of contemporary Indian fiction reflect these elements through their writings.AravindAdiga is one of the Indian English fiction writers who deploythese sorts of theme in his writings.The fiction The White Tiger written by AravindAdigais one such reflection in which the novelist becomes a critique of globalization and entrepreneurial culture.

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